Religious Life of the School - Worship, Prayer, Retreats & Student Formation
The Religious Life of the School focuses on “teaching people to be religious in a particular way” (Moran,1991). The authoritative source document,
The Religious Life of the School P-12, provides a guide for helping to support the spiritual and faith formation of students.
The College promotes a Catholic Christian environment through our words and in our actions. Jesus Christ is central to our beliefs and practices and these are lived out in our teachings and in our relationships with one another. The iconography throughout the College provides a distinctive visual connection with our beliefs and traditions. We place emphasis on the development of the whole person and aim to ensure the spirit of the Gospel is a living expression of the Church.
The College expresses its ethos in the everyday life and culture of the school. Quality relationships between students, staff, families and the wider community are valued and nurtured. Gospel values and Church traditions are embedded into all aspects of College life.
The Marist Charism helps us to understand how to be good Christians and good citizens. Using Mary as our model, Marists imitate her faith response to God and centre their lives on Jesus.
Marist spirituality is characterised by:
- God’s presence and love
- Trust in God
- Love of Jesus and his Gospel
- In Mary’s Way
- Family Spirit
- Simplicity
As an authentic Catholic Christian community, we value the dignity and worth of all members of our community. This is modelled on the person of Jesus and ensures quality relationships are built. As a friendly and welcoming community we demonstrate authentic Christian hospitality. We support students in developing peaceful relationships and reinforce the practices of care and compassion.
Students and staff contribute to creating spaces and ways of engaging the senses both within and outside the classroom. Each classroom has a prayer space designed by the staff and students. A special prayer space and reflective garden has been constructed. Religious iconography is displayed throughout the whole school. The liturgical seasons are highlighted and displayed in key places.
The College works collaboratively with the Parish Priest and participates in prayer and worship opportunities. He leads and supports our key liturgical celebrations.
Students in all year levels participate in prayer and we have specific Leadership Day for Year 10 and retreats for Years 11 and 12. Programs are designed to enhance the faith formation of students, whilst also supporting their holistic development. Each spiritual formation program is sensitive to the faith background and life journey of individuals. Every afternoon, members of our SRC lead us our College Prayer. From Semester 2, 2023, we will also be looking to introduce the following to :
- Morning Reflections in our Montagne Room for students and staff on Fridays from 8:00am.
- Marcellin Moment, Wednesday, end of Period 2 - Mediation and wellbeing.
Service learning opportunities are offered to all students both within the school and wider community. Examples are included below.
Including prayer rituals on a daily basis are a very important expression of our Catholic Christian beliefs. This provides staff and students with an opportunity to share experiences of joy and sorrow.
Throughout the year we celebrate key liturgical moments. Our year begins with an Opening Mass and ends with the Year 12 Graduation Liturgy. In between, we celebrate Patron Saints Days, such as Champagnat Day, and other significant days in the Church’s calendar.
Student Representative Committee (SRC)
At Mt Maria College Petrie, the Student Representative Committee consists of students from Year 7 to year 12 who meet on a weekly basis. The group is a voice for the student body and believes that service and social justice create a community where all are treated equally, regardless of their social status or background and every person has the right to live life to the fullest.
The Assistant Principal - Mission & Identity, Campus Minister and First Nations Engagement Officer provide opportunities for the students to be engaed in activities and opportunities that foster holistic growth, better the school and wider community and live the Gospel and Marist values.
Students are challenged to look beyond their own needs and are able to give to others. The SRC supports all areas of the religious life of the College, as well as Pastoral House activities, and wider College and community events. Support is directed especially to the significant events in the Church and College calendars. Students actively contribute to Masses, liturgies, assemblies, fundraising and awareness events, and prayer rituals.
As members of Marist Schools Australia, the College endeavours to stay true to the characteristics of St Marcellin Champagnat. The SRC highlight the key values of being Marist through hospitality, working hard and showing consideration and care for others. Promoting relationships which are caring and genuine creates a sense of “family”. We place emphasis on being people of presence with a strong commitment to faith.
During the school year, the SRC hold various campaigns in the interest of improving opportunities for the student body, supporting student voice and addressing a range of social issues that provide opportunities for service. The SRC is a pathway to senior leadership roles such as that of the College Captain, Faith and Mission Captain, House Captain, etc. Whilst any student is welcome to attend SRC Meetings, earning a role on the SRC itself is by application each semester.
Opportunities for leadership are included below. Please note these are not limited to members of the SRC and it is often expected that to earn a position on the SRC, students should be engaging in the following.
Volunteering for:
- “Cooking for Care” / "Care to Cook" on Tuesday afternoons (Years 7-12)
- The Breakfast Club on Thursday afternoons (Years 10-12)
- St Vincent de Paul Sleepover
- “Milo for Mates” and "Meet + Eat" (Wednesday and Thursday mornings)
- The Afternoon Prayer
- Opportunities to represent the College at major community events (e.g. ANZAC Day March)
Organising, fundraising, raising awareness and/or leading the following:
- New student orientation
- Caritas-Project Compassion fundraising (at house and College level, such as ice-cream stalls, Milkshake Mondays, etc.)
- St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
- Organising, setting up, running and packing up College and House assemblies
- St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers
- Colour Run
- Marist Solidarity
- Bandanna Day supporting "Canteen"
- Mother’s and Father’s Day breakfasts
- Squares for Charity-blankets, beanies, scarves
- Multicultural Festival
- RUOK Day
- Supporting our local chapter of St Vincent de Paul
- Volunteering at St Vincent de Paul Warehouse
- Senior Study Group (Thursday afternoons)
- Discos
- Other fundraising events, such as dress up days
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Mt Maria College, Petrie (2024).