MMCP College Sport
Our sport program at Mt Maria College Petrie has something for every student. Mt Maria College Petrie students have sporting opportunities available to them through participation in HPE Curriculum subjects at all year levels, VET (Vocational Education and Training) pathways in Sport & Recreation in Years 10-12 and College Carnivals in Swimming, Cross Country, and Athletics.
HPE Curriculum subjects develop students sporting skills and understanding in a range of physical activity settings. Students engage in a variety of games and sports, outdoor recreation, lifelong physical activities, and rhythmic and expressive movement. VET pathways in sport and recreation develop students' competence in a range of skills specific to roles within the Sport, Recreation and Fitness industry. Students learn to coach, officiate, and participate in a variety of sports, while developing a healthy lifelong relationship with sport and physical activity.
The College Carnivals provide all our students, regardless of ability, with the opportunity to engage with physical activity in a fun environment, while competing for their House. Fun, music, activity, and community collide in these unique events. Our attendance for all three of the big carnivals continues to rise year on year, as students recognise that our Carnivals in Swimming, Cross Country, and Athletics are events which bring our community together in a way like no other event.

SECA Sport: South East Colleges Association of Sport
Mt Maria College Petrie is a member of the South East Colleges Association of Sport (SECA Sport), comprising 15 BCE (Brisbane Catholic Education) schools. SECA Sport (South East Colleges Association) is an interschool sporting competition for 15 Brisbane Catholic Education schools. The sporting competition includes carnivals and gala days. With sports such as swiming, cross country, athetlics, oztag, cricket and rugby 7’s. As well as weekly sporting days split between the northside divison and the southside division. Visit the SECA website for other information: including the SECA Vision & Mission.
SECA Sport provides students with the opportunity to represent the College in inter-school sport.
Students will compete in the SECA Winter seasons in Terms 2 and 3. The sports for the 2024 SECA North Winter Seasons are listed below.
Season 1 – Term 2 | Season 2 – Term 3 |
| Basketball
Soccer (5 a side)
| Soccer (5 a side)
Rugby League
| Touch Football
Oz Tag
| OzTag
Theatre Sports
| Theatre Sports |
| Chess
Mt Maria College Petrie also competes in SECA inter-school carnivals in Swimming, Cross Country, and Athletics. This provides a wonderful opportunity for students to enjoy a higher standard of competition, without the need to meet qualifying times and distances, typically associated with representative sport. SECA also holds Gala Days for select sports throughout the year, which provides a further avenue for participation in inter-school sport for Mt Maria College Petrie students.
2023 Year 9/10 Girls Touch Football Team © Brisbane Catholic Education, Mt Maria College, Petrie (2023).
Representative Sport
Mt Maria College Petrie students have representative pathways available to them through our affiliation with Pine Rivers District Sport and Metropolitan North School Sport.
Competitive sportspersons may trial for representative selection in a range of sports throughout the year. The proposed dates for district and regional trials are advertised in College Announcements, which can also be seen in the Parent Portal.
The trial dates for Pine Rivers District Sport and Metropolitan North Regional Trials are also available to you directly here.
Pine Rivers District Trials
The process for attending a PINE RIVERS DISTRICT trial is as follows:
- Students who wish to attend a district trial advertised in College Announcements should go to Student Reception and ask to speak to Ms Allwood.
- The student's ability/skill level in the sport is considered.
- Students who are considered suitable to trial will be given a Trial Package to take home.
- Parents/Guardians complete the Trial Package, including the Project Consent form, and the student returns the completed Trial Package to Student Reception.
- Correctly completed Trial Packages are then endorsed and stamped with the College stamp.
- The Trial Package is then returned to the student to present at the trial.
- A trial payment fee must be made by the parent/guardian by the due date for the student to be allowed to trial. This payment is detailed in the Trial Package.
- If selected for Pine Rivers District, the Regional Trial Package will be given to the student on the day of the trial.
- Steps 4-7 are then repeated prior to the regional trial.
Metropolitan North Regional Trial (Direct regional pathway)
Some sports do not have district trials and the representative pathway commences at the regional level.
The process for attending a DIRECT to METROPOLITAN NORTH REGIONAL trial is as follows:
- Students who wish to attend a regional trial advertised in College Announcements should go to Student Reception and ask to speak to Ms Allwood.
- The student's ability/skill level in the sport is considered.
- Students who are considered suitable to trial will be advised of a time to meet Ms Allwood to complete an online survey, which includes outlining the student's ability/skill level.
- After completion of the online survey, suitable students will be given a Trial Package to take home.
- Parents/Guardians complete the Trial Package, including the Project Consent form, and the student returns the completed Trial Package to Student Reception.
- Correctly completed Trial Packages are then endorsed and stamped with the College stamp.
- The Trial Package is then returned to the student to present at the trial.
- A trial payment fee must be made by the parent/guardian by the due date for the student to be allowed to trial. This payment is detailed in the Trial Package.
- If selected for Met North, the Queensland School Sport Trial Package will be given to the student on the day of the trial.
- Steps 5-8 are then repeated prior to the State trial. The Queensland School Sport Calendar of events can be found by click here.
Students are responsible for:
- advising the College of their intention to trial at least 7 days prior to the trial date to ensure that all paperwork can be processed in time; and
- returning paperwork to the College in a timely fashion.
Parents/guardians are responsible for:
- ensuring that the Trial Package is completed correctly and the trial payment is made prior to the due date, as detailed in the Trial Package; and
- making transport arrangements for the student to attend any representative trials.
Any further questions regarding representative trial opportunities should be directed to the Curriculum Leader – HPE & Sport, Ms Katrina Allwood by email