Mt Maria College Petrie provides a curriculum that aims at:
Engaging the interests of your child
Involving your child in real life and life-like activities
Building on successes
Developing skills which can be transferred across a whole range of life experiences
Improving attitudes towards learning
Enhancing literacy and numeracy skills
- Promoting faith learning that is life-long and life-giving.
Brisbane Catholic Education's Learning and Teaching Framework and The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration (2019) underpin all schooling at Mt Maria College.
The Alice Springs (Mparntwe - pronounced as 'M- ban-tua') Education Declaration for Young Australians sets the national vision for education for all Australians and notes two goals:
- The Australian education system promotes excellence and equity.
- All young Australians become:
- Confident and creative individuals
- Successful lifelong learners
- Active and informed members of the community
Curriculum design and delivery at Mt Maria College Petrie is grounded in the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration and is mindful of the declaration's goals. In alignment with the declaration, which promotes excellence and equity, we support students in achieving high standards and provide structures and adjusted strategies that enable equitable learning experiences. This is achieved within a faith-filled learning environment in which we are committed to supporting students in becoming confident and creative individuals, successful lifelong learners, and active and informed community members.
Years 7-9: A Time of Transition and Consolidation
Year 7 - a crucial year of development as students make the important transition from primary to secondary education.
Year 8 - students continue to explore subjects and experiences so they are ready for more independence.
Year 7 and Year 8 timetables are built to ensure students meet the requirements for learning time in all curriculum areas in the Australian Curriculum.
- Core subjects studied all year: Religious Education (RE), Math, English, Science
- Core subjects studied on semester (two terms) rotation: Geography, Business Economics, History/Civics & Citizenship, French & Culture, Health & Physical Education (HPE), Digital Technologies
- Subjects studied on compulsory, term rotation: Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Media Arts, Design Technologies: Materials/Engineering, Design Technologies: Food & Fibre/Food Specialisation
Year 9 - students begin to undertake selected subjects in greater depth. The focus of our curriculum in Year 9 is on wise choices and building on the progress and successes of the previous year.
- Core subjects studied all year: Religious Education (RE), Math, English, Science
- Core subjects studied on semester (two terms) rotation: Health & Physical Education (HPE), History
- Elective subjects studied for a semester rotation: Civics & Citizenship/Humanities, Design (pathway to Senior Design), Design Technologies – Food & Fibre/Food Specialisation, Design Technologies: Materials/Engineering, Digital Technologies, Drama, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts
Year 10: A Gateway to the Future
Year 10 offers a range of subjects for students wishing to continue to tertiary education, those moving on to vocational courses and students wishing to enter employment. The curriculum allows students to undertake career education, TAFE-accredited courses and other training options.
- Core subjects studied all year: Religious Education (RE), Math, English, Science
- Core subjects studied on a semester rotation: Health & Physical Education (HPE), History
- Elective subjects (6) studied on a semester rotation:
- Certificate I in Employment Pathways (opportunity to bank 2 QCE credits for senior)
- Civics & Citizenship/Humanities (Pathway to Senior Humanities)
- Design & Technologies (pathway to Senior Design)
- Design Technologies – Food & Fibre/Food Specialisation
- Design Technologies: Materials/Engineering
- Digital Technologies (including an introduction to drones)
- Drama
- Health & Physical Education (Short Course Fitness - an opportunity to bank 2 QCE credits for senior)
- Media Arts
- Music
- Science Elective: Biology & Chemistry (preparation for Senior)
- Science/Math Elective: Physics & Math (preparation for Senior)
- Visual Arts
Year 11 and 12: Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
MMCP 2025-2026 Senior Curriculum Handbook
By the end of Year 10, students are able to choose from a variety of educational pathways leading to: the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), tertiary study, a trade or employment. Students will study subjects from the following areas over the two years:
- Biology (General)
- Chemistry (General)
- Design (General)
- Drama in Practice (Applied)
- English (General)
- Essential English (Applied)
- Essential Mathematics (Applied)
- Film, Television & New Media (General)
- General Mathematics (General)
- Information & Communication Technology (Applied)
- Industrial Technology Skills (Applied)
- Mathematical Methods (General)
- Media in Practice (Applied)
- Modern History (General)
- Music (General)
- Music in Practice (Applied)
- Physical Education (General)
- Physics (General)
- Religion and Ethics (Applied)
- Social and Community Studies (Applied)
- Study of Religion (General)
- Visual Art in Practice (Applied)
Vocational Education and Training (on campus)
VET is an important part of senior schooling for many students. Approximately 60% of Queensland senior students achieve VET qualifications (QCAA, 2024).
- AVI30419 Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot)
- BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
- SIS30122 Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation
- SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality
Other vocational opportunities (off campus)
- TAFE@School (many options available)
- School-based traineeship
- School-based Apprenticeship
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Mt Maria College, Petrie (2024).
Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
The QCE is Queensland’s senior schooling qualification. It is internationally recognised and a sign of academic and personal success. The QCE is also flexible and allows you to design a pathway that’s right for you — whether you plan to:
- study at university
- look for skilled work
- complete technical and further education (TAFE) or other training.
For information on the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) visit the QCAA. Here is a link to "QCE Planning Your Pathway" (QCAA, 2024)
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) will be used to select school leavers for tertiary entrance from 2020. It is used nationally and indicates a student’s position relative to other ATAR-eligible students. The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) will calculate ATARs for students at the end of Year 12. QTAC will calculate your ATAR based on your results in either:
- 5 General subjects, or
- 4 General subjects, plus one Applied subject, or
- 4 General subjects, plus one VET qualification at Certificate III or above.
To be eligible for an ATAR, you must successfully complete an English subject. In addition, the following subject combination rules apply:
- only General English subjects or Applied English subjects can be included in the ATAR, but not both
- only General mathematics subjects or Essential Mathematics can be included in the ATAR, but not both
You will find more information on QTAC’s website:
Other tertiary entrance pathways
Each university has its own policies regarding school leavers without an ATAR. If you are not eligible for an ATAR but wish to gain entry to a tertiary course, check with QTAC and/or the relevant university. Depending on the university, you may be able to gain entry with other qualifications.
© Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) (2024)